Friday, May 31, 2019

Making Your Purpose Your Business

from Breakthrough Mindsets

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stress Relief Techniques - How to Stop the Silent Killer (Part 1)

from Breakthrough Mindsets

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stop Negative Thinking It's Harming Your Health

from Breakthrough Mindsets

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How to Get What You Want

from Breakthrough Mindsets

Monday, May 27, 2019

Anxiety Disorder Self-Help

from Breakthrough Mindsets

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Manifest Your Reality The Way You Want

from Breakthrough Mindsets

In this Brain Training video, we're going to talk about anxiety disorder self-help. Let's do it!

The problem is feeling anxiety right when you want to feel something else more powerful that would be more appropriate like inspiration, determination, compassion, gratitude, or excitement.

Dealing with anxiety can be challenging, and the solution is staring you right in the face. If you have been living with anxiety, you know what it's like to overreact to something, to compulsively worry and stress over things, to live between emotional ups and downs and mood swings.

Underneath anxiety are feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, and fear. That's okay, that's not who you are, those are just feelings.

Those feelings come from thinking specific anxious thoughts you've been telling yourself that you've internalized and reacted to. What's exciting about that is that they are easy to change because those thoughts aren't true or even real, they are just thoughts, and you don't HAVE to react to them anymore! They only seem real because you feel your own reaction to those thoughts in your body, but they are only thoughts. Consider those thoughts as just BAD entertainment. Personally, I like a good scary movie now and then, but not all the time!

Beliefs, on the other hand, are what create our default thinking. They are the source of all those negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The negative feelings are simply symptoms, but they are also clues that you're magnificent body leaves to help you find and correct the actual problem.

The underlying beliefs in your subconscious mind represent what you do to yourself to create anxiety, depression, helplessness, worry, and fear. They automatically produce obsessive negative thinking, until you find them and replace them with something you WANT to put there. I recommend something useful, relevant, helpful, and encouraging depending on the circumstance.

Being verbally abusive to yourself will cause you to automatically self-sabotage what you really want. You are the only one that you would put up with this kind of nonsense, up until now. You would never put up with that kind of behavior from anyone else. Having dignity means owning your birthright to be here now, to be alive and human. Embrace your perfect imperfection, and practice supporting yourself, right now.

The truth is that anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, worry, and fear are feelings that everybody experiences now and then, so you are not alone. But we don't HAVE them, you don't HAVE an anxiety disorder, you produce it, and it's the result of doing it successfully. You can absolutely change and produce different results successfully.

Hi I'm Dave Ryder from, I'm a breakthrough mindset specialist, mind setter, and neuro programmer. I've worked with people and groups for the past 20 years, and all over the world for the past 10 years and I can tell you from experience that anxiety is not something you have, it's something you do. You produce it successfully. That's the only way to feel it. Now that you know that, you can do something different.

Anxiety is a symptom, it's a feeling, it's not the cause of your problems. No matter what anyone else says, it's not about who you are as a person.  It demonstrates something that you do, not something you HAVE.  You've learned how to successfully produce anxiety.  Now it's time to learn how to do something about it. It's time to find a better way. Great news, you can absolutely break the pattern and change your life!

I may not know you personally, but let me tell you something about yourself. If what you did inside yourself, TO yourself, what you imagined, pictured, and told yourself on a regular basis was encouraging, loving, empowering, and inspiring, you simply wouldn't have a problem with anxiety, stress, and negative emotions. These would all be stored in your subconscious mind.

I recommend that you start to treat yourself like the person that you are; you are an incredible person, you are worthwhile, valuable, and capable, you're above average, you are highly resourceful and you have a vivid creative imagination, you are an intelligent individual, you are very perceptive, you are sensitive, you are intuitive, you are a caring person, and you want to make a bigger difference in the world.

Treat yourself like YOU ARE your own best friend, and you will be. If you don't, no one else is ever going to do it for you and you'll end up wasting your life, resources, and energy, trying to solve the wrong problems, focused on symptoms and feeling regret down the road.

I don't know if you know this, but we help people breakthrough these old mindsets of limiting beliefs, memories, and subconscious programs that drive anxiety and other problems. Just know that wanting help does not mean you are crazy or weak, it means you are smart and strong and you want to get over something fast so you can get on with your amazing journey. The truth is you are designed to transform. Someone with more experience can you do it faster.

There is a link in the description below to our website if you'd like to work with us. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit that little bell icon so you won't miss our next video. I hope this helped, see you next time, be kind to yourself, be extraordinary!